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Welcome To
A-1 Fire & Safety

We sell and service fire extinguishers, fixed pipe systems, and any other fire and safety equipment.

About Us

Premier Fire & Safety Company

Jerry Williams started A-1 Fire and Safety in 1971 in his parents' barn, on the historical property deeded to his ancestors after the Battle of San Jacinto. After retiring from Fort Sam, his father, Ray Williams joined Jerry in the business for close to 40 years. After growing up around the business, Clint Williams started working for the company full time.  Over the years, A-1 bought out  several fire equipment companies. But, in the late 80's, the acquisition of Fire King doubled the size of A-1. Later in the 90's,  cylinder maintenance was added, further  expanding the services provided,  After a long business and personal relationship working with Uvalde Fire, A-1 purchased the company in  2020, thereby expanding services west of San Antonio to the area around the current family ranch.

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A Safer Community Services

Services We’re Offering


A-1 Fire & Safety offers inspection, servicing, recharging, sales and installs all types of fire extinguishers.

Fire Extinguisher Services


A-1 Fire & Safety offers inspection, servicing, recharging, sales and installs all types of fire extinguishing systems.

Extinguishing Systems


Hydrostatic testing uses water under pressure to measure the strength and flexibility of the cylinder's walls.

Hydrostatic Testing

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The Best Fire Protection Team

Saved Countless  Lives and Properties

The founder was a volunteer firefighter, EMT, the first sales rep for the life saving "Jaws of Life" in South Texas and served as president of the board directors with a local EMS agency.

the current CEO has 23 years as a volunteer and paid firefighter, and is currently serving as a Battalion Chief in a local professional Fire Department. All of our team members live, work,  and take their children to school in the area and buildings in which we provide service.


We are the only fire equipment company in our area of South Texas that has distributorships with all major manufactures and a full service shop including high pressure testing.

Dedicated to Save Lives
24/7 Available to Save

What Our Customers Say

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The # 1 option for fire extinguisher and kitchen suppression services in San Antonio. Our properties are always up to code and the staff keeps us notified of upcoming inspections as needed. Julie Silver Properties. (1).png
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Our Goal

Our goal is provide excellent service to those looking for fire and safety equipment, either by sending a service technician out or having them stop by one of our two locations. 

Why choose you

Quality local service with years of experience in the fire protection industry.

Sell and service fire extinguisher fixed pipe systems and other fire and safety services

Get in Touch


About Us

We are factory direct with every major manufacturer and have a complete service shop, and have hands on live fire training that can be done at our locations or onsite at your location.

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Contact Us

203 E Rhapsody San Antonio, Texas , 78216

Products From

4326 E. Main Street

Uvalde, Texas 78801




  A-1 Fire and Safety © 2022 All Rights Reserved  

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